- H. B. Whitehorne Middle School
- Grading Policy
Foster, Peter
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Social Studies – Grade 7
Grading Policy
2020 - 2021
Grading will be based on a Total Points system. Each assessment or homework assignment will be given a point total. A student's grade on any individual assignment can be calculated based on the points received vs the total points available for that assignment. Each marking period may have a different amount of total points available based on the number of assessments for that marking period.
Homework, Classwork, Participation: 30%
Students will receive Full Credit for assignments that are completed in full, follow all directions, and submitted on time.
Students will receive an Incomplete (partial credit) for assignments not fully completed, or handed in late.
Students will receive a O for assignments not completed.
Assessments - 70% Students will have quizzes, tests, and projects throughout the year. Each assessment will have its own points total based on the size of the assessment.
A student who receives a low grade on an assignment can re-submit his/her work within a week after the graded work is returned. The student must meet with the teacher to review his/her errors promptly so that re-writes or re-takes do not interfere with new learning. This new grade will be an average of the original grade and the re-take or re-write.
Late Work:
Homework and assessments must be made up within one week unless a student has an unusually long or severe illness.
No extra credit work will be offered!