
    Purchase a 2023-2024 yearbook and/or parent ad online at

     (Type "Whitehorne" in the School Name box)

    Yearbook Purchasing Info:

     Online Sales: (Click link above or call 1-877-723-6344 M-F from 8:30-5:30)

    • $62 - September - November 22, 2023
    • $67 - November 23 - January 7, 2024

    Payment by Cash or Check dropped off at HBW: (Put in Ms. Siwek's mailbox)

     Also available for purchase with your yearbook:

    • Namestamping - $8 for the first line (plus $8 for the second line and $5.50 for each icon)
    • Protective plastic cover - $4
    • Autograph supplement - $4
    • Year in Review (supplement highlighting news and current events from the year) - $3
    • Basic Package (namestamping, icon, protective plastic cover) - $15
    • Deluxe Package (1 line of namestamping, 3 icons, protective plastic cover) - $25


     Parent Ads:

    The deadline for purchasing an Ad and submitting the copy and pictures is Wednesday, November 29!!!

    This year (2023-24) all parent ads MUST BE ORDERED ONLINE!  We won't be taking any in school orders or accepting any emailed or hardcopies of photos or copies.  You may purchase your parent ad at a different time than your yearbook.  (You don't have to purchase them both in the same transaction.) 


    Parent ads are available in full color with a variety of sizes and prices.

    • Full page - $210 (specifications - Up to 8 pictures and 400 words, the more pictures, the less words please)
    • Half page - $105 (specifications - Up to 4 pictures and 200 words, the more pictures, the less words please)
    • Quarter page - $52.50 (specifications - 2 pictures and 50 words, 1 picture and 75 words, or no pictures and 100 words)


    Please keep in mind, the more pictures you submit, the less space there is for written sentiments and plan accordingly. You will be able to submit your pictures and copy for your ad through the Walsworth website when you purchase your ad. Please also make sure that the pictures you submit are clear and not photocopies - the higher the quality, the better your pictures will appear in the yearbook.

    Ad space is limited and sold out very quickly last year (before the November deadline), so get yours before it's too late!


    Click this link to access a copy of the Parent Ad ordering information. 


    If you have any questions regarding yearbooks or parent ads that the information above does not answer, please email Ms. Siwek at hbwyearbook@veronaschools.org