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    Professional Bio:

    Mr. RossiMr. Mark Rossi is a Verona native who has taught English, reading, math and social studies to fifth and sixth graders at H.B. Whitehorne School. Mr. Rossi has been involved with Verona's youth for over the past thirty years working for the Verona Recreation Department, the Verona Pool, and various youth activities found in the town. He has been teaching for over twenty years.The past several years he has coached the Freshman Basketball team at Verona High School as well is on the Varsity Track Team staff.

    Mr. Rossi was educated at Trenton State College where he earned his bachelors. He was also fortunate enough to be chosen for a semester internship at the Walt Disney World University in Orlando where he earned a coveted "Ducktorate". (Yes, it is an actual degree.) Disney University trains the students on business writing, interview skills, and how to deal with many different challenges that will arise in the business as well as the school setting. Mark also earned his Emergency Medical Technician license and is a senior officer on the Verona Rescue Squad. He was also on the paid squad in Montclair. He continued to study at the Morris County Fire Academy where he earned the rank of a state certified firefighter. 

    Mr. Rossi enjoys teaching and helping people of all ages but especially children. His philosophy on teaching is to care for every student that enters the school and to "Lead by example".

    What you need: (EVERY DAY OF SCHOOL)
    1. Positive Attitude!
    2. 1 notebook and 1 folder for each of my classes
    3. Black pen
    4. Pencil
    5. Red Pen
    6. Colored Pencils
    7. Eraser