Welcome to the Verona High School SCA!


    Dear VHS Families,

    Welcome to the 2024-2025 school year at Verona High School. As we begin this school year, the VHS SCA needs your support to continue and bring back our past practices and traditions. 

    We would like to extend to both new and returning families a personal invitation to join the VHS SCA. Membership shows your support of this valuable organization. Our primary objective is to provide our school with funds, programs, resources and services that enrich and maximize the education of every student.  We are also very proud to offer scholarship opportunities to graduating Seniors. 

    During the course of this year, we will hold two general SCA meetings. This is your opportunity to share thoughts and comments, or simply sit back and listen to what is happening at VHS and in our district. Our principal, Mr. Joshua Cogdill, along with our Vice Principal, Robert Merkler, attend each meeting and provide us with a summary of events and educational initiatives taking place within the school. We will announce all VHS SCA meetings through e-mail and on our Facebook pageVHS SCA-Student Community Association.

    The SCA works towards a common goal. That goal simply stated is to enhance the educational experience for all students. The VHS SCA has a rich heritage of serving the needs of our students. What makes our SCA special is the active and enthusiastic engagement of parents, teachers and administrators. Remember, one of the best ways to influence our children is to model the behavior of participation and service to our community!


    The form includes boxes for your contributions to individual fundraisers. To meet our important objectives and afford services that are not covered by our school budget, we must fundraise. The SCA utilizes these funds toward school projects, scholarships, and an end of year gift to Verona High School.

    MEMBERSHIP DUES: In addition to contributing to the individual fundraisers, your family can join the SCA. This is a once per year solicitation. We welcome and would appreciate each family contributing at least $20 or more if you are able.  In recent years, volunteer participation has declined drastically, which in turn has led us to not be able to run some of our fundraisers, including one of our most profitable ones, Back to School Class Basket Raffles. The more money we can raise via dues, the more we can give back to the students and the school.  


    October 16th @ 5:30pm in ROOM 15

    April (TBD)


    The SCA communicates via email and Facebook (VHS SCA -School Community Association).  If you have any ideas, we would love to hear from you.  The VHS SCA Board looks forward to working with all the VHS families.


    VHS 2024-2025 SCA Board:

    Co-President: Dana DeMars danademars@gmail.com

    Co-President: Lori Radigan radiganlori@gmail.com

    VP Membership: Janice Garthwaite janicegarthwaite@gmail.com

    VP Program: Mindy Frey mindyfrey@gmail.com

    Recording Secretary: Lauren Besante lebesante@gmail.com

    Corresponding Secretary: Andrea Santamaria andreamsantamaria@gmail.com

    Treasurer: Kate Curren katefullercurren@gmail.com