
    About Model UN: 

    Model United Nations (UN) is a club where one represents a country and debates real world issues. During a conference, a member of the club, acting as a representative of a given country, will debate a problem that the world is facing today. Then, along with the cooperation of other countries, they can reach a resolution to this problem that will prove beneficial to all countries involved. Before a conference, a student has to be thoroughly prepped on the topic, and have an understanding of what will be discussed as well as potential solutions to the subject at hand. To reflect this extent of knowledge, the student will submit a one-page ‘position’ paper that discusses the country’s view, and how they will approach the topic during the conference. Then, at the end of the conference, students are eligible to win awards based off of their performance during the conference. This club teaches members how to work with others, and enforces student’s writing and public speaking abilities. It also helps students to learn to work with others and be productive within a timeframe, but also to get their ideas and thoughts heard and valued by others. Conferences and club meetings are several times per year, and time commitment is minimal except before and during a conference. Model UN rewards students who are prepared and go into a conference with drive and a goal in mind. 


    Please see Mr. Maher if you have interest in joining Model UN.
Last Modified on October 27, 2020