• Please call 911 if you need immediate help
    National Suicide
    Prevention Hotline
    New Jersey
     2nd Floor
    Youth Helpline 
    (call or text)
      Verona Public Schools
    Resources for
    Health and Wellness 
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    This website was created by The Action Committee on Mental Health and Suicide Prevention.  The group consisted of key Verona stakeholders that worked collaboratively to raise public awareness about mental health issues and to identify and support education initiatives and programming for Verona youth that foster healthy, responsible lifestyles. The District established this committee to consider community needs and to make recommendations to the Verona Board of Education in an effort to develop a comprehensive support system of mental health resources, both preventive strategies and interventions, to support children and families through collaborative partnerships within our community.  
    In this website, you will find links and other useful information. If you don't see what you are looking for, please feel free to contact your child's school counselor or principal.