- Brookdale Avenue School
- Welcome to Brookdale Avenue School
Welcome to Brookdale Avenue School!
The educational climate for students at Brookdale Avenue School focuses on academic achievement, positive social experiences, and emotional well-being. Students are challenged to develop and grow through the academic program as well as the enrichment opportunities offered. Staff is attuned to the needs of individual students and modifies instruction to reinforce or enrich. Teachers stress the development of skills in organization, study, and research. District committees, under the guidance of teachers, supervisors and elementary principals, review and revise curriculum on a regular basis.
To strengthen instruction and curriculum, staff has been trained in Understanding by Design and is utilizing this model for planning classroom instruction. Student success is measured through a variety of assessments: daily class work, cumulative projects, portfolios, performance assessments, DRA (Developmental Reading Assessment) in grades K – 4, district assessments and standardized testing. Students engage in district MAP testing and state NJSLA testing. Students continue to perform well on these standardized tests.
Brookdale Avenue School staff has committed to use the Win-Win guidelines for Conflict Resolution. A team of teachers, and the building principal, received training from the New Jersey State Bar Foundation. Turnkey training was then provided to the rest of the staff.The district addresses the needs of gifted students through differentiation in the classroom. This provides another level of enrichment and resources, based on the STEM model, for Verona’s elementary student grades 1-4. Lessons provided range from in-class enrichment to first hand investigative opportunities.Exposure to the performing arts encourages creative expression and therefore all students participate in the visual arts and vocal music programs. Physical education and health instruction help maintain good health and promote play with sportsmanship as well as lifelong interests in athletic participation. Spanish is offered as a world language to students in first through fourth grades. Lessons infuse active participation while developing cultural awareness.A strong parent support group, our School Community Association (SCA), continues to provide enrichment activities financed by the various fundraisers held throughout the year.