- F. N. Brown School
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SCA Back-to-School Online Forms

Dear F.N. Brown Families,
Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year! As a new school year begins, we are writing to enlist your continued support and participation in the F.N. Brown School and Community Association (F.N. Brown SCA). The SCA is a volunteer organization that supports F.N. Brown educators, students and families by providing various educational, social, and charitable programs.
Last year, the F.N. Brown community made possible numerous accomplishments that contributed to a vibrant community and learning environment for our children. These included:
- Story Pirates Assembly Program
- New nurse’s cot
- Painting the Foyer, Lobby and Main Hallway
- New water filtration water faucets for the hallway
- Deep Pocket Chair Holders for third grade
- Portable PA System and Speaker
- Purchase additional leveled readers for all grade levels
- Purchase of new books and book return bin for the Library
- ESL books sets
Because of our amazing school community and the successes of our fundraising efforts last year, the SCA is committed to funding over $30,000 in enhancements this year! Enhancements include:
- Renovation to the Library and Library bathroom
- Renovating and updating the butterfly garden in the front of the school
- A new FNB sign for the front of the building, which will be installed in the Fall
These are only enhancements to our already budgeted programs like:
- Opportunities for students and parents alike to support charitable causes throughout the community through programs like Holidays are for Sharing and Community Art Project
- Engaging learning opportunities including a field trip to augment classroom instruction
- Enhancing the school environment by organizing hot lunches, library and art helpers and class parents, among many other notable accomplishments
- Lightspeed sound projection systems upgrades
- Winter recess enrichment of Crossfit, Tumble Zone and Tae Kwon Do
The F.N. Brown community is truly remarkable. The families have consistently demonstrated a commitment to the mission of the F.N. Brown SCA. Again this year, we hope that you will consider building on our legacy of success by making a tax deductible charitable donation. Last year the average family donation was $50! Can you help us meet or beat that average this year? Please note that participation in the SCA is not contingent upon making a donation. If you choose to make this charitable contribution, please use the form attached. A written acknowledgment of your contribution to the F.N. Brown SCA can be sent to you upon receipt if you request one. If you have any questions about charitable contributions, please contact the F.N. Brown SCA President, Janice Garthwaite (janicegarthwaite@gmail.com).
The F.N. Brown SCA’s tradition of parent volunteerism is also something we can all take pride in, especially during these challenging financial times. Life is hectic; daily routines can prove exhausting and we know your time is limited. This school year will be filled with many wonderful opportunities for you to contribute your time and talents, including organizing and producing programs and events for students, families and teachers; helping to fund school experiences, technology needs, and other capital improvements; assisting staff with school activities; and providing opportunities for public service projects to give back to the larger community. Many of our volunteers have full time or part time jobs so don’t be discouraged if you work, there is a spot for everyone in the SCA.
Many of these programs are listed in the SCA Program & Calendar handbook. Additional activities will be announced and posted on the F.N. Brown SCA's website: http://bit.ly/VeronaFNBrown, in our monthly newsletter and on our social media accounts. You can friend us on our Facebook page @ F.N. Brown Elementary SCA, follow us on Instagram @FNBrownElementary and follow us on Twitter @FNBrownSCA. This year most of the communication will be online from the SCA so please make sure you look out for the emails of upcoming events and friend us and follow us on all our social media accounts where we will list the upcoming events.
Please join us in advancing the mission of the F.N. Brown SCA and making the 2019-2020 school year an even greater success than last year. If you are interested in volunteering for a Committee, please contact the Committee Chair, whose information is listed in the SCA Book, under F.N. Brown SCA Committees.
There is no limit to your level of participation in F.N. Brown SCA.
Participation and donations are optional.
Our first SCA meeting will take place on October 15th at the F.N. Brown Library. We will start with a New Parent Tea at 7:00pm and our regular meeting will start at 7:30pm. Please note that all other SCA meetings will begin at 7:00pm.
We hope to see you there!
Thank you!
The F.N. Brown SCA Board President, Janice Garthwaite
VP Membership, Mary Guldin
VP Program, Monica Cleary
Corresponding Secretary, Cara Carattini
Recording Secretary, Natalie White
Treasurer, Nicole Duda