- Laning Avenue School
- Welcome
Laning Avenue School
18 Lanning Road
Verona, NJ 07044(973) 571-6755
Welcome to Laning Avenue School! It is the mission of Laning Avenue School to guide every pupil toward becoming a self-reflective individual who can effectively function politically, economically, and socially in a democratic society. The Verona Public Schools operate four neighborhood elementary schools, one middle school (5-8), and a 9-12 high school. Laning Avenue School is the only school that houses a preschool program. Preschool students thrive at Laning as they engage in all sorts of developmentally appropriate academic activities while learning through play.
A Board of Education approved curricula assures that each student receives an enriching educational experience. Teachers are continually engaging in reviewing their instructional skills and expanding their knowledge base. The wealth of program offerings described below reflects the professional and community commitment to providing an appropriate and challenging educational environment for all students.
Students at each elementary school are challenged by district curricula that exemplify NJ and National Standards. Classes are a heterogeneous mix of students. Instruction is often thematic in nature to provide students with experience in the interconnectedness of curriculum. Frequently, instruction crosses grade lines. Book buddies, older and younger students paired for reading and writing activities, meet throughout the year.
The district uses a balanced literacy approach to teaching language arts. Teachers differentiate instruction through reading and writing workshops. Students are reading at their appropriate reading level and teachers are engaging students in small group, guided reading instruction to support the needs of all students. Students are encouraged to write across multiple genres in authentic ways. It is not uncommon for children to bring their personal experiences into their writing.
Grades 1-4 use the Dimensions Math Program , which is derived from the concepts of Singapore Math. Lessons and experiences are centered on discovering procedures and concepts through manipulating objects, communicating understanding through writing, and solving life problems. A focus of this program is to develop the skill of subitizing, which is the ability to identify quantities at first sight as opposed to counting. Kindergaren students will transition to this program next year. Authentic tasks are frequently used to assess student skill development and understanding. Dimensions Math emphasizes the concepts, skills, and strategies that are going to help students become college and career ready.
The science curriculum is rooted in scientific inquiry. Students hypothesize and engage in investigations and draw conclusions about the natural world. The local community is where the social studies curriculum begins. Through field trips and community speakers, students gain an appreciation for Verona. Study advances into the larger county, state, national and international communities. Students also start to discover and utilize map skills in authentic situations. In many ways, social studies is the vehicle for developing content area reading skills. The children read literature, both fiction and nonfiction, to extend their content knowledge.
Technology and communication skills are infused into the curriculum. This interdisciplinary approach to instruction helps to build skills that prepare students for the 21st century. The curriculum is rounded out by instruction from content area specialists in visual arts, technology, performing arts, and physical education. Students at Laning Avenue School are introduced to the Mandarin Language and the culture of China. This exposure lays a strong foundation for Laning students to continue their study of Mandarin throughout their middle and high school years.
Our staff members were trained in the New Jersey State Bar Foundation Conflict Resolution program that was fully implemented beginning with the 2015-2016 school year. The program assists students with exploring the various forms of conflict and the tools needed to resolve them. It provides a common language and approach that the entire school community embraces.
Laning encourages a team approach to the academic and social development of its children. Parents participate in classroom projects, assist in the operation of the library and provide support services to enhance the school programs. The School Community Association (SCA) is extremely active and offers cultural arts programs that enrich the students' school experience. Regular meetings of the SCA provide an opportunity for all parents to play an active role in the school community.Sincerely,
Mr. Howard Freund,